UDC Milestones
1983-1984 Ocho
Rios-Fern Gully upgraded; ferns replanted; retaining
walls rebuilt.
Daily Gleaner, November 12, 1998
Roy Thomas, former landscape architect,
who served the
Corporation with distinction, for 19 years until his retirement in 1993.
stamped his mark on a large number of
the UDC's projects
implemented during his tenure, with his
natural flare for landscaping
and making buildings/projects come alive with beauty.
was responsible for restoration and conservation
done in Fern Gully
in 1983, to arrest erosion, replant and introduce new species of ferns.
An obituary, Daily Gleaner, October 24, 1999

Daily Gleaner, January 18, 1981
Gully, in Ocho Rios, North-East St. Ann,
is to be made a national park by
the Government, at a cost
of $1.9 million.
in the project is a by-pass road from
Breadnut Hill. This will provide for the
blocking off of
vehicular traffic through
Fern Gully at a certain point. But the
detour would be arranged in such a
proximity to the scenic spot that
visitors using vehicles
would encounter no problem walking to the
park from
their transport.
project was one of several announced by
M.P. for North Eastern St. Ann, Mr.
Marsh at a special
meeting called in Ocho Rios, Silver, Seas Hotel of a wide cross-section of community leaders on Thursday January 15.
Attending were some 80 representatives of civic, tourism, Government and commercial interest.
of the meeting was to discuss "the
total development of St. Ann," with
particular emphasis on the
northeast resort
coastline and the total involvement of each
community and private sector with the drive,
after the Government has provided, the
necessary infrastructure, such as roads, water,
housing (for low
income earners), educational, health and recreational facilities.
speakers at the meeting were the director
of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) Mrs.
Gloria Knight; the chairman of the
Tourist Board, Mr. John Issa; and the
chairman-designate for St. Ann
Development Committee, Mr Arthur Ziadie.
Daily Gleaner, January 28, 1981
Fern Gully c'ttee Minister meet
eight-man technical committee which has
volunteered to assist in the proposed
development of Fern Gully as a National
(recreation) Park, met with the Minister of State
for Construction, the Hon. Robert
(Bobby) Marsh
on January 26.
members including Dr. Patrick Fairbairn of
the Natural Resources Conservation Department
(NRCD); Mr. Basil Collins, Superintendent of
Public Garden; Mr. Border G. Thornton, Mrs.
Thomsen and Miss C. Tavares from
the Town
Planning Dcpartment, Mrs. Beverly
Miller and Miss
A. Haynes from the NRCD
and Miss J Jones from
the Jamaica
Tourist Board, outlined areas in which
would contribute to the development. They
also gave a brief history of Fern
Gully, as far as
they knew, but
informed the Minister that its
origin was either obscure or lost.
As one of Jamaica's unique beauty spots, Fern Gully they said was "struggling under pressure",
and they pointed out that
this was evident from
exhaust fumes of crawling traffic through the
gorge. "This
pollution reduces the amount of
and vitality of the ferns, that in a few
years, we will hardly be able to
find any ferns in the
valley", the members said.
Marsh explained that the project would be
carried out on a phased basis. Construction
of the
proposed bypass
road through Breadnut Hill, would
be a priority measure to provide for orderly blocking-off of vehicular traffic from the gorge.
park, would not only afford visitors
and sight-seeing but it would be
an income-earner
for Jamaica as a tourist attraction, Mr. Marsh
would also afford visitors an opportunity
become familiar with the "poetic"
names of
districts, such as Maiden Hill, Spicy
Hill, Coffee Walk, Orange Hill and Happy Retreat.
meeting to discuss the project will take
place in Ocho Rios, on Wednesday, February
4, at
10:00 a.m. -API
Daily Gleaner, January 23, 1982
Ocho Rios beauty project
extensive beautification programme estimated
to cost $200,000 has been started by the Government in Ocho Rios, St. Ann.
The project is being funded by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), and involves the
of trees and landscaping of specific areas
including the round-about and the circle at
the base
of the clock-tower.
Wooden signs etched in mahoe and displaying a welcome invitation to visitors to Ocho Rios, have
been posted at Dunn's River, White River and Fern Gully.
JIS reported that, commenting on the project, the Member of Parliament for the area, Minister
of State for Construction, Hon. Robert Marsh, said that the aim is to preserve and add to the
beauty of that part of the coastline
which is
near St. Ann's Bay and the Seville National Park.
Daily Gleaner, March 14, 1982
Sunday Eagle Tribune
Scenic roadway tour of Jamaica
By Herbert Silverman
a few miles from Ocho Ribs we entered
four mile stretch known as Fern Gully, a former
bed now darkly shaded with tall hardwood
trees, ferns of all kinds and an
undergrowth. "The government is
planning to make
this into a national
park." David [Webster, a staff
of the Jamaica Tourist Board] said as
passed a small straw market which
unexpectedly, on the left side of
the road around a
curve. "It will
be open for picnicking and nature
but not for cars. The mainroad will
the area."

JHTA concerned over future of Fern Gully
beauty of Fern Gully is being rapidly
says the Jamaica Hotel and
Tourist Association,
"and if remedial action is not taken
to end the
deterioration we are going to lose one of the island's most unique spots."
matter was discussed at a meeting of the
JHTA Council and general membership held, at the
Jamaica Hilton Hotel last week Wednesday, and
decision taken to make immediate
to the government, a JHTA release
was stated at the meeting that lead
from heavy vehicles was destroying
plant life and
the suggestion made that
such vehicles going to the
northcoast should use the Claremont Road.
proposal was that a road should be cut
the other side of Fern Gully to be used by general
It was also decided that Government should be reminded of an announcement made some time ago
the possibility of Fern Gully being
into a national park.
Daily Gleaner, January 24, 1984
Fern Gully Trees
EDITOR, Sir: The letter in the Gleaner
January 14, from Mr. Charles Atkinson
the huge guinep tree which fell
in Premier Plaza
was of considerable
interest to me. It was
fortunate that
only vehicles were damaged and that
there were no personal injuries or death.
family and I enjoy driving through Fern Gully,
but quite often I think of those
huge trees
standing precariously on the
banks at the edge of
the road. Does
any one check to find out if those
trees are firmly rooted, or if they are
externally or internally, and whether
they are likely
to fall as did the guinep tree in Premier Plaza?
I am etc.,
6 Oxford Road,
Kingston 5,
January 16, 1984
Daily Gleaner, March 24, 1984
Fern Gully
EDITOR, Sir:- I am a frequent visitor
Jamaica and a great admirer of this island of
beauty; but this year I am horrified
to see the disgusting amount of litter lining the
roadside through Fern Gully which used to be one of the great natural beauty spots of Jamaica. Will
you please, in your newspaper, remind Jamaicans and their children to "Keep Jamaica Tidy" and so
encourage tourism.
I am, etc.,
Cowdray Park
Midhurst, Sussex I
March 7, 1984
Daily Gleaner, June 8, 1985
THE EDITOR, Sir - Dr. Ben Henry's letter about the environmental hazards of tourism which was published in your issue of June 2, 1985 is a welcome assurance of official concern.
I reported to Dr. Henry's Minister, Senator
the Hon. Hugh Hart, that I counted 15
stalls in Fern Gully which is a Protected Place and one of the world's great natural gardens. I provided a copy of my letter to both the Superintendent of Public Parks and Gardens and the Commissioner of Police.
Some vendors in Fern Gully have lit fires which will hasten the casualty of the fern population.
I am, etc.,
. . . .
The exhibition was opened by Director of
Tourism Miss Carrole Guntly who . . . . asked the
horticulurists to help the younger generation to preserve its floral heritage including natural attractions such as Fern Gully in Ocho Rios and Bamboo Avenue in St. Elizabeth. She said that these two world-
reknowned attractions are today "a
travesty of what they used to be",
and that they were, "our unique
heritage which we should keep in sacred trust for our children and future generations".
Daily Gleaner, March 4, 1986
There have also been improvements in the world-renowned beauty spot, Fern Gully, near Ocho Rios where retaining walls are being put in, lay-bys constructed and flowers planted.
other voices continued to express dismay:
Daily Gleaner, March 4, 1986
Fern Gully
EDITOR Sir - It was with great sorrow
that I
saw the 'improvements' to Fern
Gully as I was
passing through Ocho Rios today.
seriously wonder how much thought has been
into the planning of this beauty
spot. Trees are
being cut down on
either side of the road to admit
more light, and where the trees are cut flower beds
are being planted. Areas of
the banking are being
cleared of the dead leaves so that the plants may establish themselves in these man-made beds.
love flowers and would welcome this kind
of effort
m the right place, but this is not only misguided,
it's murder.
could be more beautiful than the dapples
sunlight filtering through the trees on
the road.
There are various forms of
beauty, some so
delicate that one must
look twice to appreciate what is there.
The soft light and natural look of this
blessed part of our land is being
replaced by a more
common form of
beauty easily reproduced in any
park or round-about.
increase of sunlight will mean the death of
many of the ferns now growing in
these areas as
their habitat demands a
high degree of shade with
its accompanying humidity.
bad Jamaica; another natural beauty spot is
being destroyed for the almighty American
We might
give some thought to the idea that our
tourists might like to see the natural
Jamaica and
not a second rate version of Central Park.
I am, etc.,
c/o Worthy Park (Farms) Ltd.,
Ewarton P.O.,
February 25,1986
Daily Gleaner, March 27, 1986
Beauty Spots
EDITOR, Sir:- Congratulations to the MPM and
the UDC for the fine ornamental planting
at the
Airport, downtown Kingston, Tom
Redcam and
other roads such as that
leading to Palisadoes. I am
all in favour of brightening up Kingston and other towns with colourful planting.
However, Jamaica has been blessed with a great variety of natural beauty; mountains and valleys,
and mangrove forests, rivers, wet-lands
dry areas such as Hellshire with its
clumps of cactus.
roads were cut through some of these areas,
some of the natural beauty spots
were noted and
kept for public enjoyment,
Fern Gully was one. It
seems to me
a great pity to start planting flowers
and shrubs, building walls, diluting the
impact of the
gully with its rocks and ferns. Diesel fumes may
have killed many
ferns, but many still survive and
these could be helped and augmented.
I think the same applies to other
places. Dunn's River Falls has been
long ago into a man-made
entertainment centre,
very nice too, but
surely, some of Jamaica's natural
could be kept. The crotons and oleanders
planted at Hellshire may perhaps serve the
purpose of making the place more home-like,
there should still be a place for the spectacular
plants that used to dominate the land.
Walk must have been planted many years
ago. It is a unique and wonderful
place, but many
the bamboos are dying and no new
ones planted.
Could the MPM use its
skill to save the Walk - with
bamboos, please?
I am, etc.,
Box 597
Kingston 10
March 16,1986
However, the Prime Minister and the authorities at the Urban Development Corporation seemed satisfied with the Fern Gully efforts.
Clean-up programme
The programme of clean-up is now proceeding to the next stage of beautification of roads and parks, painting of murals on walls and building of arcades for vendors stalls. This programme will involve Kingston and other major towns as well as the main highways to improve popular vending locations and points of beauty, such as Fern Gully on which work has already begun. [Seaga broadcast]
Daily Gleaner, March 27,
Prime Minister [Edward Seaga] commended the
UDC's beautification programme and said he
impressed with the progress being made. The replanting of Fern Gully in an attempt to restore it to its former beauty was well underway.
landscaping now being earned out by the
UDC to beautify Kingston involves planting
of flowers
on the
centre verges and sidewalk areas
of main arterial roads such as Tom
Redcam Avenue, Marescaux
East Race Course . . . .
programme also involves landscaping the Spanish
Town Highway and selected areas of the route
leading to Ocho Rios, including Fern Gully.
Daily Gleaner,
April 12, 1986
For a more beautiful Fern Gully
EDITOR, Sir - Various interested persons have
written to you expressing concern at the
work being
done in Fern Gully by the Urban Development Corporation.
Corporation is engaged in the restoration of
plants and soil stabilisation in Fern Gully involving inter
alia the construction of
retaining walls to halt soil erosion,
spreading of top soil, planting of ferns
and other
varieties of plants, the control of insects and disease, fertilising, pruning and cleaning.
those trees which are potentially dangerous
to people and hazardous to traffic are
being removed and
the only leaves removed are those that had accumulated on the ferns and were smothering them.
is being done to encourage the growth
of the existing ferns and it is
intended to introduce
thousands of ferns of
different varieties, the moreso since some
of the existing varieties
are particularly
vulnerable to the exhaust emission of motor vehicles.
Stone-walling is the most compatible method of stabilising the soil and preventing erosion and in a
short time the walls become covered with
moss and lichen which m themselves make
for quick
fern growth.
do understand the concern which has
been expressed and trust that the end
result will be a better and
more beautiful Fern Gully.
I am, etc.,
Deputy General Manager, Urban Development Corporation
12 Ocean Boulevard
Five years later, Desmond Henry wrote as though the work all still remained to be done!
Daily Gleaner, February 10, 1990
Community Tourism
Mandeville's example, Ochie's promise
By Desmond Henry
believe there is the early likelihood of
the expansion of the existing town [Ocho
Rios] including the creation
of a bypass
highway, along with the naming of Fern
Gully as a protected natural park. Let's
assume these
take place, here's what I think the town could do for itself.
the idea of a comprehensive replanting of
the fern population in fern gully should
be examined without
delay. If undertaken as
a special works project, it could provide
a source of real employment for hundreds
of women during its tenure, thus, adding
to the generation of household income for
the area. Once the
planting is complete, innovative designs for the gully's plan and use, in harmony with the environment, should be outlined and protected by law.
the area should be made a traffic-free
zone and encouraged to be habituated at nights. This
means the possibility of
installing-attractive, multi-colour lighting for its
entire length, thus adding
visual and practical dimensions to
its attractiveness. This would allow, for
example, the staging of picnics by
and festive promenades by night, extending
enormously the opportunities for visitor/community
through recreation, fun, sightseeing and commerce.
The continuing problem then, as now, seems to have been that no decision had been made as to whether Fern Gully was primarily an access road for Ocho Rios, which visitors would catch glimpses of while driving through, or whether, on the other hand, it was an attraction in its own right, which should be set up so that visitors could spend time moving up and down, enjoying the unique environment.