It was so mysterious and unconventional in its loveliness, and it had such a glamour of inexplicable unreality about it, due, perhaps, in great measure, to the effect of the bright semi-silvern, semi-golden light of the moon, shining through or illuminating the wreaths of silvery film that rose from the snowy spray of the innumerable rills and rivulets, falling from the edge of the sharp precipices in a thousand cascades and waterfalls. Sometimes these tiny streams seemed to find their way unseen through the rock for a certain distance, and then to burst forth, shooting straight from the face of the almost perpendicular cliffs. The vegetation, watered from so many sources, was, as may be imagined, of extraordinary luxuriance, even for this land of profusion.
 L'accès à la ville, en venant du centre de l'île, se fait par la Fern Gully Road, une route qui suit le lit d'une ancienne rivière aujourd'hui asséchée... La nature y est omniprésente, les arbres forment une voute au-dessus de la route et les fougères géantes empêchent le regard de se perdre dans les profondeurs de la forêt... Une fraîcheur bienvenue y règne et fait oublier l'atmosphère oppressante qui parfois nous submerge...