Daily Gleaner, April 11, 1891.
our issue of Wednesday, we gave a final
intimation, that the new hotel in St.
Ann's, established
by a company of local landed proprietor and others, would, on that day, be formally thrown open, as now ready, in every way, to minister to the wants of
transient travellers,
and to the comfort of more permanent
boarders. We also at the same time set
forth a brief description of the completed
buildings, and of their situation and
surroundings, in one of the most beautiful,
healthy and generally accessible localities of Jamaica;
viz. - the far-famed
district of "The
Moneague," in the parish of St. Ann's. We now further note the
proceedings that took
place on the appointed day. It was a subject
of regret
that His Excellency the Governor,
having a previous engagement, to be
with Lady Blake at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Trelawney
Girls' School,
could not be present; but he had visited the building the day before, and
given his unofficial approbation to its
fabric and appointments. The absence of
Hon. M. Solomon, the Custos of St.
Ann's, and the representative of that
in the Legislative Council,
was sufficiently accounted for - although
also much regretted - from the joint
reasons, that he is not in strong
health, but
nevertheless is in attendance on his duty to
his constituents, in his place, at the
Legislative Chamber in Kingston. But by
12.30 p.m. on Wednesday the 8th
instant, an influential gathering had assembled of
the gentlemen
of St. Ann, and
also there were present
some from St. Catherine and Kingston, who
had been
invited to attend on the
opening day, and all were now duly met
and welcomed
by the Directors present, viz., Chas. Steer,
Esq., Chairman, and Messrs. A
Douet, A. Roxborourgh, M.A. Llewellyn, A. A. Stewart, with A. N. Sutherland,
Esq., the
vigilant and most courteous Secretary.
those present were Dr. McPhail, the Revd.
MeDuff, Mr. Michael Hart, Mr. French, Mr. F. Roper, Mr. S. Constantine Burke, and Mr. Gordon of
Spanish Town; representatives of the GLEANER and GALL'S NEWS
were also present, and last though
not least the Hon. J. C. McGlashan, who
although highly welcomed as a guest, was also there in somewhat an official
as he is the Government Commissioner, to
be satisfied that the
Company has fulfilled
all the initial conditions by which it
can draw the bounty
of 3 per cent.
guarantee on the invested capital, and
therefore when other
lowland guests had to
tear themselves away, Mr. McGlashan, remained
the night for the purpose of going
with the Secretary more in detail over
books and premises - which investigation
we feel assured will not end in un
mauvais quart d'heure for either of them.
due interval having elapsed for the arrival of belated guests, the
proceedings commenced
by a tour round the buildings, and an
inspection of the
general arrangements, and
a visit to the upper floor, and
dormitories. Two or
three of these last
had already secured their occupants for the
night and more
of them in advance for
this or next week. The others were
ready for
emergency calls in any possible
number. The furniture throughout is simple but tasty. There will be when the
Exhibition is over the splendid billiard
now there; and we doubt not -
for the ladies - an equally 1st class
piano in the
drawing room. There is a resident matron or head stewardess - Mrs. Hewitt
- with a staff of female
domestics. All the beds are supplied with
substratum of a wire spring mattress,
and each room with water from the high pressure cistern on the roof, which is
also a safeguard against the spread of
the ladies and gentlemen baths on
different sides of the building, are also
like manner supplied, and the waste water runs off by underground drainage,
the steep hillside into the hollow at
the back of the out-offices. It will be
utilize[d] there in the vegetable garden, and its screening shrubberies. The tariff
charges was explained. - This will doubtless be shortly extensively advertised,
so we
will only say that it is reasonable for
the equivalents offered, and also
within the
means of our professional and mercantile
citizens of Kingston seeking
rest and
recreation, say from Saturday evening to
Monday morning, for one can
leave Kingston
by the last train on the former day and be back to business by
the 7.15 .a.m. train, on the latter arriving in Kingston at 9 a.m.
After the "March-round" - including for those who desired it, an ascent by the cork screw stair-
case to the roof and turret, the guests were gathered in the spacious and well-lighted dining-
room, where the tables
were laid out with glittering display of
plate, china and glass, and
decorated with snowy drapery and choice flowers, ferns and rare orchids, such as only Jamaica
- well - perhaps one, or two other places
in the world can produce. A sumptuous
cold luncheon was then served - a-la-Russe
- by the tidy expert and taciturn
male waiters. The wines were of
the best and they were not too highly iced:
a fault we have observed, at some more
banquets, recently held nearer Kingston
; indeed the climate at Moneague is so
temperate and
equitable that will ice seldom
or never be a requisite there. The
altitude is about 950 feet above
level. The table were arranged hi the
form of a T with the genial chairman, C. W. Steer,
Esqre. on the outer side
of the junction point of the two right
angles. Justice having been duly
done to
the menu; which by the way if
intended as a sample of what the
Chef-de- Cuisine can
accomplish, will make
the Moneague Hotel the very paradise of
the Luculli of Jamaica.
Justice, we say,
having been done to the more substantial
viands and auxiliary pastry and
the chairman ordered a "charge" of
"Heidsick" on which was formally drank
the loyal toast of "Her Majesty the
Queen". The Chairman then ordered a
repetition of the
charge in honor of
his Excellency the Governor, and in giving
this toast, Mr. Steer prefaced it
a few remarks. He said that the
inception of the idea of erecting an
hotel at Moneague was
largely fostered by
the experience of the Governor in Bahamas,
and the encouragement he had
given in
his Legislative, as well as personal
capacity to the building of hotels in Jamaica, Mr.
Steer explained (as we have
already noted) the cause of his Excellency
not being then present,
which he had
reason to think would have been otherwise
the case. It is needless to say that
like the previous and all the
subsequent toasts was cordially responded to.
The next toast
proposed was that of the
contractors, Meters Wortley and Mais which
was introduced by Mr.
Sutherland, the
Secretary to the Hotel Company, as
he had had very
frequent and intimate
dealings with these
gentlemen in the progress of their work,
and he had found them always
ready to
do every thine to meet the wishes of
the Directors, not only up to, but even
beyond the
limits of their contract, and
as to the way in which that contract
had been performed. He (the
speaker) might
almost adopt the inscription in St. Paul's Cathedral, in honour of Sir
Christopher Wren, its builder. "Si monumentum requiris,
circumspice." At any rate Messrs.
and Mais had completed their contract in
"a workmanlike and masterly manner,"
he knew that this would be a
standing utility and adornment to the hotel itself, and he hoped
and believed that
these features would be a good business advertisement to the contractors.

permanent prosperity of the Company; which aspirations were ably acknowledged by Mr. A. Roxborough, who then called for a toast in
honour of the visitors, coupled specially with the
name of S. Constantine Burke, Esq., to which that
gentleman replied with the easy grace a
expert, although he did not at all appear there in
the capacity of an
advocate "Learned in the Law” but,
moderately spoke of himself only as a
Ann's pen-keeper.
far they went, were every way favourable, and he thought that there was a great future
opening to the
island at large, and to that particular
Hotel enterprise;
as it was centrally
situated to the
whole island and equally accessible in all directions;
indeed, an idea struck him,
that as St.
Ann was a large parish, and he
understood that many of its officials found
difficulties in getting residences; that these
homeless ones should take up their permanent
quarters at the Hotel - at any rate
he was sure
that more private residences would soon spring
up in its vicinity. Of course
there were
pessimists and croakers every where; and he
had met a
few of them; who had told
him, that the Hotel would never pay;
that if it could have been
opened when
the Exhibition
of 1891 commenced; that it might have
done a good business for
three months; but that after that it would have to be closed: whereas he appealed to the
gentlemen present - who were not interested financially, to say whether such men as the
were, would invest - or encourage the
expenditure of £5,000 capital on an adventure
which would have to be closed up three
mouths after it was fairly started ? He
thanked the
meeting for the kind word
said and endorsed about himself; he did
not profess
to be “a
burning and a shining
light”; but he had tried and would
continue to try to do
his duty to the
best of his ability.
It was a pleasure to him, however, to know that he was giving satisfaction,
and he hoped in his official as well as
in his personal capacity to remain in sympathy and
friendship with all
classes in the large and important parish of
St. Anns. The next and last
toast given
was by Mr. Roxburgh; it was the "Press
of Jamaica" - coupled with the names
of the gentlemen present, who represented
it. He said
that the press of Jamaica was both a
respectable and efficient organization, it did
a great
deal of necessary and progressive work,
had seen and expressed its conviction that first
class hotels in favourable districts were
important factors in the future prosperity
of Jamaica, both in regard to the
comfort and health
of its inhabitants and
also as to the attractions we could
offer to visitors - whether they were
health or pleasure-seekers.
toast having been duly responded to by the representatives of
"GLEANER" and "NEWS LETTER" the company had to disperse at
2 p.m.,
as some of those present had to
get to Ewarton to catch the 3.20 train
day was calm and beautiful in St. Ann's, the views lovely and the climate
cool and exhilarating. A restful charm seemed to
those who came from the hot
and toilful plains,
to hover round the sloping hills and to nestle in the shady
trees. Horses, sheep
and cattle wandered free within the large
pastures, the drought all prevalent
showed its traces even there; the verdure
was that of autumn not of spring; but
the "surloin" and the "saddle the
"turkey" and the "game"
that weighted the festive side boards had
nought of famine; nor had suffered from the severer hardships of drought. We left Kingston at 8 a.m., but were in the Exhibition ground by 6.16 p.m, and stayed to the fireworks. We had not passed through the Moneague for 30 years and the last time did so from Brown's Town. We got into Spanish Town "dead beat" both man and horses at 10 p.m. after ten hours travelling.
and mercantile - rather than the agricultural interests of the country. With this as
representative of such classes, he (the
chairman) named J. C. Reece, Esq., the highly respected and able Resident Magistrate - then present. This toast Mr.
Gordon, of Spanish Town seconded - as,
although not resident in St. Ann's, his
business led him frequently to be there and
brought him into ultimate relation with the
landed proprietors and stock-breeders of
the parish - Mr. Reece in